認識糖尿病 與糖尿病共處 健康飲食 運動治療 預防糖尿病 糖尿病高危因素評估

(最後更新: 10 Feb 2025)



香港糖尿聯會健康長跑2025 - 成績、電子證書、相片

Thank you for your participating our event to help us to promulgate the importance of regular physical activity for good health and prevention of diabetes mellitus.

We appreciate if you could continue to fundraise after the event and send in the donation to Diabetes Hongkong within one month from the event date.
[捐款表格 Donation Form]

We look forward to your sustaining support to our Healthy Run, an annual fundraising event we hold at the first quarter of the year. We wish you a healthy and prosperous year of 2025 and see you next year.

成績 Results :
   10公里 km 
   5公里 km

糖尿人士治療方法閣下時時所採用的藥物治療方法為: (單項選擇)


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